Oliver Zielinski

Group leader “Marine Sensor Systems” at ICBM

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

My research interests

Trained as physicist, my research focuses on marine optics and marine physics. Although performing research around the globe, the emphasis are coastal, estuarine, and fjord systems. Here, I investigate the usage of (smart) marine sensors and their integration in operational, long-term autonomous sensor systems and observatories, since high-frequency time series data is crucial for the understanding of marine processes. This work includes also the development of data quality control and analysis procedures, for which advantage is taken of neuronal network approaches and machine learning.

How is my work linked to the Beagle Channel area?

Together with local scientists in the Beagle Channel area, we develop and test concepts for setting up a marine observation system that provides continuous data for important biogeochemical parameters. This is the prerequisite for a systematical investigation of climate change effects in this subarctic ecosystem. One of the challenges is to find long-term observation solutions that are robust, cost-effective, and suitable for remote environments.

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