Projects and Cruises in DYNAMO

Below you can find more information on ongoing science projects and ship cruises within DYNAMO.
31. October 2020
Surface Drifters in Beagle Channel (2020)
Surface Drifters in Beagle Channel (2020)
1. November 2020
Ferrybox on Ferry “Yaghan” in Beagle Channel (2020/2021)
Ferrybox on Ferry “Yaghan” in Beagle Channel (2020/2021)
5. January 2020
CoastCarb (2020-2023)
CoastCarb (2020-2023)
30. November 2019
Angelescu cruise: First joint Argentinian-Chilean campaign on the Beagle Channel (2019)
Angelescu cruise: First joint Argentinian-Chilean campaign on the Beagle Channel (2019)
5. October 2019
“FjordFlux” cruise aboard RV METEOR in Beagle Channel (2021)
“FjordFlux” cruise aboard RV METEOR in Beagle Channel (2021)
30. September 2018
First DYNAMO buoy deployed in the Beagle Channel (2018)
First DYNAMO buoy deployed in the Beagle Channel (2018)
7. August 2018
“CHL-A-HAB” cruise aboard RV SONNE II (2022/2023 TBD)
“CHL-A-HAB” cruise aboard RV SONNE II (2022/2023 TBD)