After the second DynAMo Workshop in Ushuaia (9.-13. April 2018), we had the great pleasure to welcome the Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva), Dr. Alejandro Néstor Mentaberry, at the AWI to discuss short- and mid-term plans and ideas for DynAMo.

Dr. Mentaberry was officially welcomed by Uwe Nixdorf from the AWI directorate. Several colleagues had the opportunity to introduce our guest to AWI science and technological activities relevant to coastal research and management issues. Sinhué Torres-Valdés gave a talk on “Marine observational technology at AWI”. Ulrich Hoge, Thorben Wulff and Daniel Scholz gave a tour through the marine technology workshop and demonstrated the AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle). Finally, day one ended with a presentation on “AWI data management and data portals” by Ingo Schewe. Thanks to Matt Slater and Bela Buck the morning of the second day was spent at the Centre for Aquaculture Research (ZAF).

The presentation of the DynAMo project to the representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Dr. Matthias Frattini and Jonas Kliesow, in the afternoon ended with a round table discussion and exchange of ideas and perspectives of the development of joint collaboration at the Beagle Channel. We had two days of very constructive and informative discussions and we thank our colleagues for their great support and engagement, and Dr. Mentaberry for taking the time to visit the AWI.